What is your leadership philosophy?

2017-10-21T00:47:17-07:00September 10th, 2017||

Everyone is a leader but the best leaders have developed a solid enough understanding of self to not let their ego or triggers influence their work.  Great leadership is usually about doing far less than more.  Its counterintuitive but it works.  Being a great leader takes constant development.  We are all born with the capacity

Do you do leadership assessments?  

2017-10-21T00:47:55-07:00September 10th, 2017||

Yes!  I am certified on the Energy Leadership Index, a very effective tool to identify and clearly understand your current leadership style and have a solid path a stronger, more effective, less stressful leadership by consciously selecting the style of leadership to fit the situation.  It’s a very effective and widely used tool.  I can

Do you do workshops?  

2017-10-21T00:48:19-07:00September 10th, 2017||

Yes!  I can easily customize a workshop for your team, school or group.  Contact me for details.

How would I work with you?  

2017-10-21T00:49:09-07:00September 10th, 2017||

In addition to the Energy Leadership Index Assessment and debrief I offer monthly packages to support leaders in overcoming stress, creating greater impact, and building strong teams.  You can also just sign up for a no-risk single session to see what it's like.

What types of leaders have you worked with?  

2017-10-21T00:50:28-07:00September 10th, 2017||

I’ve worked with everyone from individual contributors looking to be more effective or are intent on moving into management to CEOs who see the benefit of the clarity and focus coaching sessions provide.  Titles of executive clients include director, VP and C-level in sales, marketing, engineering, customer success, finance and CEOs.

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